HomeIAMURE International Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and Technologyvol. 1 no. 1 (2012)

Needs and Capabilities towards the Development of Web Services

Magdalena M. Ocbian | Michael P. Gamba | VIVIEN L. CHUA

Discipline: Information Technology



This study aims to develop a web service based on the priority needs of SSC faculty and students of SSC SGS. This made use of survey and interview to gather data from randomly selected 81 faculty members of the four campuses of the College and 96 students of SSC SGS. Results revealed that both faculty and student respondents of the four campuses of the College were familiar with the internet surfing. Further, it showed that online enrolment ranked number one priority web service by the two groups of respondents. As to training needs the first priority of the faculty is training on web interactivity while the students’ priority is online thesis advising. The developed web service allows processing the incoming and outgoing data such as online enrolment and evaluation of grades. Users’ data such as profile and other sensitive is being secured through encryption and decryption process before and after they are saved in the designated databases. All students in the SGS have their own credentials before they could access their data for evaluation of grades and during the enrollment process. However, payment of tuition fees and the like had not been included in the development due to issue on accounting rules and regulations.