HomeLUMINAvol. 22 no. 1 (2011)

The Hermeneutics of Liberation Theology: A Critical Look at Its Christological, Harmatiological, and Soterio-Logical Dimensions

Christian O. Uchegbue

Discipline: Social Science, Theology, Hermeneutics



This paper examines how the concern of liberation theology with making theology relevant to the poor and oppressed in their socio-political struggle for justice influences their interpretation and application of the Bible. Three theological themes, namely, Christology (the doctrine of Christ), harmatiology, (the doctrine of sin), and soteriology (the doctrine of salvation), are chosen to demonstrate its hermeneutical perspectives. The paper sympathizes with the humanistic and humanitarian motivations of liberation theologians and their concern with the plight of the poor and the oppressed. However, it points out many of its inconsistencies with traditional Christian stand on these themes. It concludes, therefore, that liberation theology’s hermeneutics has much more in common with Marxist than Christian hermeneutics.