HomeThe Lampvol. 1 no. 1 (2009)

The Caring Behaviors of Nurses as Perceived by the Patients on Selected Hospitals in Metro Manila

Marianne Ruth Aala | Rhoda Gabuten | Jayvee Montoya | Ivy Rose Murphy | Cheryl Ortega | Jan Rod Sumait

Discipline: Nursing



Nursing is a science of caring. For centuries now, the science of caring continues to gain popularity through its primary mechanism of “caring for” another human being. According to Watson’s Caring behavior, caring is effectively demonstrated interpersonally and the quality of nurse-client relationship is the most significant element. Caring consists of carative factors that result in the satisfaction human need. The way caring is perceived, understood and put into action by nurse varies; however, this variability provides the nurse with the freedom to blend his/her professional skills and knowledge with the patient. (Walsh, 2006).


Today’s health care is not only based on survival but mostly on the quality of being that leads to self-reliance. The individual must earn to give and receive care as well. In response to the challenge made by the caring theorist, Madeline Leininger, that caring is the essence of nursing (McEwen 2005). This study embarked on to pursue that challenge. Nursing as a discipline will continue to find its place in society and in the academic world through the explication and use of care.

All Comments (1)

Camarines Sur Polytechnic College (ADMIN)
3 months ago

Good day. How can I have access for the full text of this study