HomeFatima University Research Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2013)

Perception of the Community Clientele on the Services of the Urban Pharmacies: Implication to Quality Performance of Pharmacists at Marulas, Valenzuela Vicinity

Olive De Vera | Angelita A. Rodriguez

Discipline: Medicine



The study on the Perception of the Community Clientele on the services of the Urban Pharmacies: Implication to Quality Performance of Pharmacist at Marulas Valenzuela identified the profile of the respondents and the factors that contributed to patient/customer satisfaction and the significance of the responses of the chain and independent pharmacies. The respondents were the clients of the chain and Independent Pharmacies located at the Marulas Valenzuela City. There were ten respondents per pharmacy chosen at random. A total of thirty (30) respondents participated in the study. The three pharmacies were located within the vicinity of the area. They are the drug stores located at Marulas, Valenzuela, which are positioned along the Mc Arthur highway fronting the Our Lady of Fatima University. These three pharmacies cater to the community.


The result showed that 100% of the customers are in good health who are frequent buyers of medicine in the Urban Pharmacies. The factors that contributed to the patient’s satisfaction in terms of the services of the pharmacy includes: accessibility (1), location (2), Explanatory skills (3), Pharmacy wait (4), and (5) Technical skills for both the independent and chain pharmacy.


The survey also showed the responses of the customers of the chain pharmacy in relation to the factors considered for a quality service of the rural pharmacies to their customers. Respondents of the rural pharmacy A consider the time spent to talk with the person at the pharmacy as number 1.0 in rank. The interpersonal quality of the pharmacist such as the Courteousness of the Pharmacy staff was ranked 2. Aside from these, they consider also time spent, explanation done by pharmacy staff, and were ranked as numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 respectively. The overall weighted average mean for independent pharmacy in regards to the location, accessibility, explanatory skills, pharmacy wait and technical skills is computed to be 1.37 and for Chain Pharmacy is 1.08 which is interpreted as Excellent. Based on the result, there is no significant difference between the responses of the customers from independent and chain pharmacy in terms of the service of the Pharmacist to them.