HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Enhancing the Curriculum in Urban Planning on Architectural Components of Solid Waste Management

Jefferson L. Canare

Discipline: Environmental Studies



Solid waste is an environmental problem not only in the Philippines but also in the world, due to the rapid growth of population, rapidly increasing consumption, increasing urban development and lack of proper education. Waste generated in the country is very poor, there are dumpsites and sanitary landfills but no proper implementation or concrete plan for solid waste management. The single most dominant issue in Solid Waste Management (SWM) in the country is the inadequacy of disposal facilities. Presently, open dumping is still the most common method as controlled dumpsites and sanitary landfills are very limited.

Solid waste management includes all activities that seek to minimize the health, environmental impact of solid wastes. The logical starting point for solid waste management is to reduce the amounts of waste that must be managed that are collected, dispersed and disposed of. However, even before this process can begin, it is important to provide citizens with the requisite skill and sufficient knowledge to adequately deal with solid waste related issues and solution.

This research is an in-depth study that looked into the planning components, both physical and non-physical involved in designing and developing an effective Solid Waste Management. Data presented and discussed in the study aim to create a basis for curricular enrichment and raise awareness on the prevalent Solid Waste Management issues in the country and at the same time incorporate it in the subject on Urban Planning.