HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Factors Related to the Decision of High School Students to enroll in TIP:Towards and Enhanced Marketing Plan

Praxedis S. Marquez

Discipline: Education, Marketing



One of the most critical decisions facing an incoming college student is to decide which institution presents the best and choosing the right one is probably the most important move for a student and his parents.  Like most decisions, the process involves factors that can greatly influence one’s choice.  Such factors that influence the choice of selecting an institution is also an important ingredient in recruiting students for a school.

With the existing marketing initiatives of TIP, this study is aimed to examine several factors affecting the decision making of a high school student in selecting a school. The respondents of the study were the enrolled freshmen students of TIP Manila for SY 2006-2007.  Mean was used to compute the result of the survey conducted and Likert’s scale was also utilized to interpret the gathered data.