HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Design of a Low-Cost Compression Testing Machine: A Proposal for Fabrication

Inocentes S. Queroljico

Discipline: Engineering, Mechanical Engineering



This study aimed to design a low cost compression testing machine that will be used by the students in laboratory test for strength of materials. The type of welding, threads and fasteners, materials and capacity of hydraulic jack and its costs were determined for the fabrication of the machine.

A technical research was used where the specification of the threaded members, nuts, washers and type of welding was determined through theoretical computation. Users as well as the students also conducted evaluation of the design.

The type of welding, threads and fasteners and the capacity of the hydraulic jack were determined. The bills and assembly drawings were determined from the results of computations. The axles were subjected to cutting, refusing and threading. The wheel hubs were subjected to cutting, boring and finishing. The two axles were then welded to the base plate in an upright position then the lower plate was attached, and subsequently the upper plate as well and the lower plates were secured by lock washers and nuts. Then the hydraulic jack of 50 tons with dials was attached between the upper and the lower plate.