HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Predictors of Enrolment in Marketing Management Program at TIP Manila: Inputs for its Promotion

Carolina D. Garcia

Discipline: Education, Social Science, Marketing



This research was intended to recognize factors that most likely affect career choice. It was chosen for a topic of research because in reality, the College of Business Education is having few enrollees for its Marketing Management program. Actually only three students will graduate this March 2008 after four years of inception. A student becomes worried of what subjects to enroll in since not all students have the same availability. Thus, both teachers and students suffer undersized classes most of the time. If this situation remains unsolved, the school will be at the losing end.

In this regard, this descriptive research was conducted to help the marketing arm of the school take the necessary steps to increase enrolment for the Marketing Management program. Normally, the respondents came from other courses who were asked why they chose their current courses. With that, the Marketing Management program will be able to consider the factors for its own predictors of enrolment and formulate strategies in motivating high school graduates to take such course for their career.