Deborah Juliet A. Omran
Affiliates: Davao Doctors College
Papers | 2 | Cites/Paper | 56.50 | Cites/Author/Year | 2.02 |
Potential Citations | 113 | Cites/Author | 28.25 | h-index | 2 |
Year(s) | 14 | Papers/Author | 0.50 | g-index | 2 |
Cites/Year | 8.07 | Authors/Papers | 2.00 | hI,annual | 3.77 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Level of Instructions and Competency of Clinical Instructors and Student Nurses of Davao Doctors College
Omran, Deborah Juliet A. | Villaflores, Catherine Marie E. | Daroy, Norman N. | Madrazo, Marilyn B.
Discipline: Education, Nursing
Why are We Leaving our Profession?” Exploring the Minds of Clinical Nurses
Omran, Deborah Juliet A.