Mary Gretchen F. Chaves
Affiliates: UP Cebu Business Management Cluster, Cebu, Philippines
Papers | 10 | Cites/Paper | 56.60 | Cites/Author/Year | 43.54 |
Potential Citations | 566 | Cites/Author | 566.00 | h-index | 8 |
Year(s) | 13 | Papers/Author | 10.00 | g-index | 10 |
Cites/Year | 43.54 | Authors/Papers | 0.10 | hI,annual | 9.38 |
Article List
Obra-Negosyo-Eskwela Countryside Enterprise Business Upliftment (ONE CEBU) Program: Students' Experiential Entrepreneurship Learning
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
Discipline: Education, Social Entrepreneurship
Parental Mediation on Children’s TV Advertising Exposure and Children’s Materialism and Purchase Requests
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
Discipline: Social Science
Filipino Parents’ Attitudes towards TV Advertising and their Controls on Children’s TV Viewing
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
Discipline: Social Science
Purchasing Decision Making among Filipino Middle Income Household Heads: How Green is it?
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
Filipino Children and TV Advertising: Some Variates on Requests to Purchase Advertised Merchandise
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
New Ecological Paradigm: Testing the Environmental Concern Among Urban Middle Income Cebu City Household Heads
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
Discipline: Ecology
Mainstreaming the Management of Innovation in the Curriculum: A Review on Cebu, Philippines Universities’ Business and Management Programs
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
Remote Learning Readiness and Challenges: Perceptions and Experiences among Tertiary State University Management Students
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
The Community of Inquiry Instructional Strategies Impact on Student Satisfaction on Remote Learning
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.
Discipline: Education
Sugbo Negosyo Program Digital Card Implementation: Technology Acceptance and Satisfaction among Microentrepreneur-Beneficiaries
Chaves, Mary Gretchen F.