Imelda G. Parcasio
Affiliates: College of Teacher Education, Benguet State University
Papers | 2 | Cites/Paper | 10.50 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.70 |
Potential Citations | 21 | Cites/Author | 3.50 | h-index | 2 |
Year(s) | 5 | Papers/Author | 0.33 | g-index | 2 |
Cites/Year | 4.20 | Authors/Papers | 3.00 | hI,annual | 1.40 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Readiness of Benguet State University Pre-service Teachers in the 21st Century Teaching Environment
Parcasio, Imelda G.
Motivation Toward Teaching and Employment Profile of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Graduates of Benguet State University
Parcasio, Imelda G. | Bansiong, Apler J. | Cuevas, Jingle P. | Alawas, Dolores E. | Bokilis, Almon B. | Dolendo, Russel B.