Jeffrey Bartilet
Affiliates: Department of Philosophy College of Arts Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 9.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.79 |
Potential Citations | 27 | Cites/Author | 13.50 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 17 | Papers/Author | 1.50 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 1.59 | Authors/Papers | 0.67 | hI,annual | 0.54 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
The Paralysis of Philosophy and its Character of Crisis
Bartilet, Jeffrey
Discipline: Philosophy
Justice and Health: The Ambivalence of Democracy and Justice in the Devolution of Health Services in the Philippines
Bartilet, Jeffrey
Discipline: Philosophy
Gender Sensitivity of Freshman Students of TIP Manila for SY 2006-2007: Inputs for Intervention Program Development
Bartilet, Jeffrey | Estoque, Ronan S.
Discipline: Social Science