James R Gumban
Papers | 1 | Cites/Paper | 1.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.33 |
Potential Citations | 1 | Cites/Author | 0.33 | h-index | 1 |
Year(s) | 1 | Papers/Author | 0.33 | g-index | 1 |
Cites/Year | 1.00 | Authors/Papers | 3.00 | hI,annual | 0.50 |
Papers | 1 | Cites/Paper | 1.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.33 |
Potential Citations | 1 | Cites/Author | 0.33 | h-index | 1 |
Year(s) | 1 | Papers/Author | 0.33 | g-index | 1 |
Cites/Year | 1.00 | Authors/Papers | 3.00 | hI,annual | 0.50 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Pedagogical Competency of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Teachers in a Non-Urban Public School
Biray, Ersyl T. | Gumban, James R. | Martirez, Amzi V.
Discipline: information services