Shella B. Cacatian
Affiliates: Cagayan State University, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan, Philippines
Papers | 4 | Cites/Paper | 18.50 | Cites/Author/Year | 1.12 |
Potential Citations | 74 | Cites/Author | 12.33 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 11 | Papers/Author | 0.67 | g-index | 4 |
Cites/Year | 6.73 | Authors/Papers | 1.50 | hI,annual | 5.16 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Floral Phenology of Bee Pasture Plants in Northwestern Cagayan (Phase 1)
Cacatian, Shella B. | Pacris Jr., Froilan | Garan, Lina M.
Melliferous Resources for Bee Forage
Cacatian, Shella B.
Production, Proximate Analysis and Functional Properties of Dragon Fruit Peel Powder
Cacatian, Shella B. | Guittap, Lyndon John V.
Correlates of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of College Freshmen
Cacatian, Shella B. | Cachero, Ronald L. | Damaso, Thelma C.
Discipline: Education