Lourdes S. Abad
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 46.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 7.26 |
Potential Citations | 138 | Cites/Author | 138.00 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 19 | Papers/Author | 3.00 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 7.26 | Authors/Papers | 0.33 | hI,annual | 2.15 |
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 46.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 7.26 |
Potential Citations | 138 | Cites/Author | 138.00 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 19 | Papers/Author | 3.00 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 7.26 | Authors/Papers | 0.33 | hI,annual | 2.15 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Code-Switching in the Classroom: A Clash of Two Languages
Abad, Lourdes S.
Discipline: Languages
Codeswitching in the classroom: A clash of two languages (published in previous issue)
Abad, Lourdes S.
Discipline: Education, Languages
Code-Switching: An Alternative Resource in Teaching Science and Math
Abad, Lourdes S.
Discipline: Education, Education Administration