Sammy King Fai Hui
Papers | 4 | Cites/Paper | 7.50 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.59 |
Potential Citations | 30 | Cites/Author | 10.00 | h-index | 4 |
Year(s) | 17 | Papers/Author | 1.33 | g-index | 4 |
Cites/Year | 1.76 | Authors/Papers | 0.75 | hI,annual | 0.43 |
Papers | 4 | Cites/Paper | 7.50 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.59 |
Potential Citations | 30 | Cites/Author | 10.00 | h-index | 4 |
Year(s) | 17 | Papers/Author | 1.33 | g-index | 4 |
Cites/Year | 1.76 | Authors/Papers | 0.75 | hI,annual | 0.43 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Conceptions of assessment of Mainland China college lecturers: A technical paper analyzing the Chinese version of COA-III
Li, Wai Shing | Fai Hui, Sammy King
Discipline: Learning
Validation of Curriculum Leaders' Attitudes toward Research Scale
Fai Hui, Sammy King
Discipline: Education
Teaching Anxiety amongst Hong Kong and Shanghai In-Service Teachers: The Impact of Trait Anxiety and Self-Esteem
Cheung, Chi-kim | Fai Hui, Sammy King
Discipline: Education, Psychology
Missing Conceptions of Assessment: Qualitative Studies with Hong Kong Curriculum Leaders
Fai Hui, Sammy King
Discipline: Education