Elias Mulenga Sampa
Email: eliasampa@gmail.com
Affiliates: URDC Research Skills Enhancement Officer of the University Research and Development Center, Trinity University of Asia
Papers | 6 | Cites/Paper | 6.50 | Cites/Author/Year | 2.44 |
Potential Citations | 39 | Cites/Author | 39.00 | h-index | 4 |
Year(s) | 16 | Papers/Author | 6.00 | g-index | 6 |
Cites/Year | 2.44 | Authors/Papers | 0.17 | hI,annual | 0.39 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
An Inquiry into the Socialization and Enculturation Processes among Students: A Hermeneutical Key in Appreciating the Curricular and Pedagogical Challenges
Sampa, Elias M.
Discipline: Education, Social Science
Exploring a Credentialing Program across Disciplines as a Faculty Development Strategy: Trinity University of Asia
Sampa, Elias M.
Discipline: Education
Reframing the Narrative of Collegiate Children of OFWs: An Exploration of their Joys, Challenges, and Dreams
Sampa, Elias M.
Discipline: Education, Psychology
Exploring and Analyzing Graduate Students’ Experience of Instructional Leadership in their Learning Process
Sampa, Elias M.
Discipline: Education
Towards a New Paradigm for Service-Learning As a Transformative Integrator Within and a Bridge Between the Academe and Community
Sampa, Elias M.
Discipline: Education
Exploring Relevance and Quality of the Philippine Tertiary Education through a Prism of OFW Phenomenon: Implications to Tertiary Educational Management
Sampa, Elias M.
Discipline: Education