HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 4 (2022)

Non-SPED Graduate Teachers and their Understudies in an Inclusive Classroom: A Qualitative Inquiry

April Jo Vilan | Niña Rose Talaub | Cyril Cabello

Discipline: Education



It has always been controversial to include special needs pupils in a regular school. All students ought to be a piece of the school local area no matter what their abilities and deficiencies, but teachers in general education classes are reluctant to teach due to a lack of materials, support, and training. The goal of this research was to find out how non-SPED graduate teachers perceived teaching in an inclusive classroom. In the literature, little to none focused on the lived experiences of the teachers teaching in an inclusive classroom. This study utilized Heideggerian Phenomenology design. Purposive random sampling was used in the study. There were 12 participants from West City Elementary School who qualified in the inclusion criteria set in the study. Bracketing was conducted. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) popularized by Moustakas and modified by Van Kaam was used to analyzed the data. There were four themes generated namely Psychological Well Being, Self – Consciousness, Culture and Worldview and Social Systems and Environment. These themes elaborated the lived experiences of the non-SPED teachers teaching in an inclusive classroom. Further, these themes suggested to create management plans that can allow the non-sped teachers and their understudies to have the opportunity to join seminar and workshop on how to handle children with exceptionalities.


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