HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 9 (2022)

Factors Affecting the Mathematics Performance of Mathematics Major Students

Jeremias Obina | Danilo Derio | Annie Rose Rosa | Jonna Fe Gorit | Kaye Bolina | Dominic Martinez | Jolai Bolaños

Discipline: Education



Mathematics is one of the subjects that is taught in all Schools and Universities. It is usually viewed by students as difficult subject. This study aimed to determine the factors that affect the Mathematics performance of Mathematics major students and the extent of each factor. Further, it sought to determine the challenges encountered by the respondents in learning Mathematics. The study has three research questions and it made used of the explanatory-sequential research design. Relevant literatures were reviewed on theories and findings that emerged from different authors. There were 57 respondents involved in the study, 47 from 1st year to 3rd year Mathematics major student and 10 from 4 th year students at Notre Dame of Midsayap College. Data collection was done by using questionnaires. The findings showed that factors that affect Mathematics performance are the sources of the challenges in learning Mathematics. It also indicated that learning Mathematics is affected by numerous factors such as needs, interest, and seriousness of the subject matter, teachers’ practices and methodologies, teachers’ personality, parental support and home environment. The respondents have encountered challenges in learning Mathematics such as unfavorable teaching practices, lack of time management, lack of motivation, poor internet connectivity, and difficulty to get rapid feedback, lack of knowledge and regulation skills, and limited quotas


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