HomePAPSCU Excellent Academic Research Link (PEARL) Bulletin vol. 4 no. 1 (2024)

A Phenomenological Inquiry on the Struggles and Aspirations of the First-Generation Female Graduates

Maryann H Lanuza | Ronald A Gonzales | Simplicio Alba | Neil P Aligam | Lielanie O Barrion

Discipline: Sociology



In today's culture, some people think that because they are struggling financially, they can simply relocate and start working as soon as they graduate from high school. This is especially true for females who were judged to have continued with college if premarital sex or teenage pregnancies prevented them from finishing. However, this may not be the case. The first-generation female graduates' lived experiences were examined in this phenomenological study with an emphasis on their lived experiences before, during, and after college, and their aspirations for the future. Using a transcendental research design based on Moustakas' Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen approach, the study’s key themes, and the essence of the study’s findings were developed. Eight graduates of the City College of Calamba were selected as participants through purposeful sampling. Data analysis revealed that being a financially challenged student means college survival through selfsupport. Their goals for their families were crucial to their diligence and success in the courses. It reflects their struggles with finishing, which is the essence of surviving by doing major things (working and studying) simultaneously. Furthermore, their experiences of surviving are diverse in how they are shaped and re-shaped by pursuing learning and finishing. The study shows that four challenging long years of college are worth fighting for since they achieved a 360-degree twist in their lives and are now an inspiration for other members of the family and other people who know them.


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