HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 3 no. 1 (2024)

Research Training Needs of Basic Education Teachers as a Basis for a Research Capability Building Program

Darin Jan Tindowen | Mary Ann Baquiaran

Discipline: Teacher Training



This study assessed the research training needs of basic education teachers and developed a research capabilitybuilding program that addresses these needs. A descriptive survey employing a quantitative research method was conducted with 70 Basic Education Teachers from the University of Saint Louis for the academic year 2023-2024. A questionnaire developed by the University Research Development Center served as the primary data collection tool. The findings showed that all the training elements were rated as 'Very Important', with mean scores above 3.5, indicating a high significance among respondents. However, 'Using Digital Tools in Research', 'Data Analysis and Interpretation', and 'Developing Research Designs and Methods' were ranked as the most important.


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