Ethical Leadership, Teacher Professional Development and Parent Engagement: Basis for School Management Development Plan
Donnabelle Roallos
Discipline: Teacher Training
This dissertation employed descriptive
research to determine the relationship among ethical
leadership, teacher professional development and
parent engagement for school management development
plan in one of the town districts in Batangas. Using the
random sampling method to support statistical analysis
of a set data, 422 secondary school teachers were
involved in the study. Demographic analysis revealed
that predominantly of respondents were female, who
finished bachelor’s degree with less than 20 years length
of service. Ethical guidance and role clarification were
the strongest aspects in ethical leadership, while power
sharing and fairness scored weaker. Learning
environment and educational planning were most
prominent for teacher professional development, while
research based, and educational technology were less
emphasized. Parent responsibilities and contact and
influence ranked highest in parent engagement, whereas
involvement at home and participation ranked least.
Additionally, there exists a significant difference of
responses on ethical leadership, teacher professional
development and parent engagement when grouped
according to profile. A highly significant relationship
existed among ethical leadership, teacher professional
development, and parent engagement. This implies that
schools with ethical leadership are more likely to
achieve higher teacher professional development and
demonstrate active level of parent engagement. In the
end, a school management development plan was
proposed to continuously enhance schools’ ethical
leadership, teacher professional development and
parent engagement. Hence, this dissertation explored
the characteristics of ethical leadership in an
educational setting, analyzing its impact on teacher
motivation and access to professional development
opportunities and finally foster strong partnership with
parents to address diverse family cultural needs in
enhancing the overall quality of educational system
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