vol. 12, no. 2 Part 4 (2024)
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development


The Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development (APJMSD) is the official research journal of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas, which serves as its publisher. It aims to provide a platform open to the global community of scholars who aspire to have their research published in a peer-reviewed journal. The Editorial Board invites researchers from the international research community and institutions to submit their original research articles, review articles, short communications, and case reports for each issue of the journal in various disciplines, including management sciences and education. The journal primarily caters to scientists, academicians, practitioners across various fields, policymakers, health advocates, graduate students, and others passionate about advancing innovative ideas for social and global transformation.

Publisher: Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas

Potential Citation/s: 44

Category: Multidisciplinary |

ISSN 3028-2632 (Online)

ISSN 2782-8557 (Print)

Other issues

Table of contents

Open Access Subscription Access


Strategic Planning, Human Resource Management Practices, and Quality Assurance in Selected Chinese Universities

Wang Yunlong

Discipline: Human Resources Management

Transforming IT Education: Envisioning a Distance Learning Future for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Program in a Private Higher Education Institution

Maria Cristina M. Ramos

Discipline: Teacher Training

Work-life balance, Academic Passion, and Vitality Among Private College Teachers in China

Zhang Min

Discipline: Psychology and Health

Inclusive Classroom, Space Design, and Academic Performance of Teachers in A China Comprehensive University

Hu Fang | Beverly T. Caiga

Discipline: Teacher Training

Ethical Leadership, Teacher Professional Development and Parent Engagement: Basis for School Management Development Plan

Donnabelle Roallos

Discipline: Teacher Training

Planning, Strategies Implementation and Evaluation Practices among CSL Teachers in China

Hua Minmin

Discipline: Teacher Training

Digital Learning Strategies, Motivation, and Technology Application Among Chinese Higher Education Students

Zhou Xiaoyan

Discipline: Education

Research Engagement, Attitudes and Competencies: Basis For Teachers’ Research Development Plan

Kristina Gutierrez

Discipline: Teacher Training

Teaching Innovation Practices, Career Development Support, and Satisfaction of College Teachers in a Chinese University

Huang Wei

Discipline: Teacher Training

Employment View, Ability and Productivity Among Bachelor Degree Holders in China

Hu Xueyan

Discipline: Human Resources Management

Professional Identity, Career Planning and Professional Development Among Middle School Teachers

Jiang Jisong

Discipline: social policy

English Learning Anxiety, Learner Engagement, And Intervention Strategies Among Chinese Undergraduates

Huang Wei

Discipline: Psychology

Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Customer Care Center of One Revenue Collecting Agency in the Philippines

Ayessa Aira Cuevas | Ma. Rosario B. Tamayo

Discipline: social policy

Red Culture Integration and Challenges Among Pre-School Dance Education Teachers in China

Li Yuan

Discipline: Teacher Training

Performance of Customs Examiners in One Revenue Collecting Agency in the Philippines

Glen Tampis | Ma. Rosario B. Tamayo

Discipline: Human Resources Management

The Sustainable Practices of Coal Mining Industry in One Local Government in China

Fe Pengquiang

Discipline: Environmental Science

Sign Language Translator via Smartphone Image Analysis using Convolutional Neural Network

John Carlo Torres | Roselie Alday

Discipline: Artificial Intelligence