HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 4 (2024)

Teaching Innovation Practices, Career Development Support, and Satisfaction of College Teachers in a Chinese University

Huang Wei

Discipline: Teacher Training



In the dynamic environment of higher education, the role of teaching innovation and career development support became increasingly crucial in fostering career satisfaction among university faculty in China. This study delved into the intricate relationships between teaching innovation practices, career development support, and career satisfaction, with a particular focus on how these factors collectively influenced teaching effectiveness, professional growth, and the overall academic performance of faculty members. Utilizing a descriptive and correlational research method, the study aimed to identify the extent to which these practices contributed to job satisfaction and the success of educational institutions. The findings revealed that integrating modern teaching tools, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and providing personalized career support significantly enhanced both teaching quality and overall faculty satisfaction. Moreover, the study emphasized the importance of continuous professional development and institutional support as critical drivers of career growth, faculty retention, and teaching effectiveness. The research highlighted that faculty members who were consistently offered opportunities for advancement and innovation were more likely to remain motivated, thus contributing positively to student outcomes. A notable positive correlation was found between career satisfaction and both teaching innovation practices and career development support, suggesting that improvements in these areas directly fostered enhanced job satisfaction among university faculty. These findings offered practical insights and guidance for universities to further strengthen their teaching innovation and career support systems, ultimately leading to a more satisfied faculty, improved teaching quality, and greater institutional success.


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