Mediating Effects of Organizational Learning on Transformational Leadership and Sustainability Capacity of Public Elementary Schools
Edelfred R. Panoy | Emelyn R. Villanueva
Discipline: Teacher Training
This study investigated the mediating role of organizational learning in the relationship between transformational leadership and sustainability capacity in public elementary schools in Looc District, Division of Romblon. Using a researcher-designed instrument, this study assessed the levels of transformational leadership, organizational learning, and sustainability capacity. Data collected from 124 respondents revealed significant positive correlations between transformational leadership (r = 0.527, p < 0.000) and organizational learning, as well as between organizational learning (r = 0.589, p < 0.000) and sustainability capacity. Furthermore, organizational learning partially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and sustainability capacity, accounting for 51.3%, highlighting its crucial role in enhancing sustainability efforts in public elementary schools. The identified partial mediation effect of organizational learning on sustainability capacity highlights the importance of nurturing a learning-oriented culture within schools to enhance sustainability practices. Future research could explore the causal processes and mechanisms of this mediation effect and additional factors that may contribute to or moderate this relationship, providing valuable insights for organizational development and sustainability initiatives in educational contexts.
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