vol. 6, no. 2 (2024)
Romblon State University Research Journal


Romblon State University Research Journal (RSURJ) is an open-access refereed multidisciplinary research journal that implements a double-blind review process.

The journal aims to provide information through dissemination of research findings in areas of in agriculture and fisheries, forestry, engineering and technology, education, humanities and sciences, and other relevant fields of study. It serves as a platform for educators and decision-makers to share their research results.

Publisher: Romblon State University

Potential Citation/s: 3

ISSN 2619-7529 (Online)

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Table of contents

Open Access Subscription Access


Understanding the Stressors Experienced by RSU Students during the Pandemic and their Coping Strategies: A Mixed-Method Inquiry

Virgilio F. Fadera | Lucy F. Moscoso | Myra F. Fadriquelan

Discipline: Education

Examining the Effects of Metacognitive Awareness on the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 7 Students

Clarren Ann G. Vicente | Philip R Baldera

Discipline: Education

Computer System Evaluation: Information Security for Electronic Money Transfer Services

Preexcy B. Tupas | Alexander A. Hernandez

Discipline: information systems

Effect of Science Learning Coach on Student Self-Regulation Skills

Numerico Lloyd B. Fabrigar

Discipline: Education

Predictors of Science Process Skills among Grade 7 Learners in A Remote Learning Setup

Rosalie T. Montenegro | Bilshan F ServaƱez

Discipline: Education

Mediating Effects of Organizational Learning on Transformational Leadership and Sustainability Capacity of Public Elementary Schools

Edelfred R. Panoy | Emelyn R. Villanueva

Discipline: Teacher Training

Opportunities from Unprecedented Challenges: The Lived Experience of School Leaders from COVID-19 Pandemic to Post-Pandemic Period

Crisby N. del Mundo | Emelyn R. Villanueva

Discipline: Teacher Training

Demographic Profile, School Heads’ Supervisory Practices, and Teachers’ Performance: Towards Corresponding Intervention Program

Dorelyn D. Claud | Jun P. Dalisay

Discipline: Teacher Training

Utilization of Locally-Based Reading Resources in Improving Science Concept Comprehension among Grade 9 Learners

Hazel Joy F. Dela Austria | John Philip I. Ramos

Discipline: Education