Opportunities from Unprecedented Challenges: The Lived Experience of School Leaders from COVID-19 Pandemic to Post-Pandemic Period
Crisby N. del Mundo | Emelyn R. Villanueva
Discipline: Teacher Training
This study delves into the lived experiences of school leaders from the COVID-19 or Coronavirus Disease pandemic to the post-pandemic period, aiming to identify, explain, and interpret their journey through this unprecedented period. The study was operationalized using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) research design to address the objectives alongside the Thematic and Hermeneutical Analyses in data analysis and interpretation. The study illuminates the school leaders’ experiences, their explanations of those experiences, and their interpretation through a grand theme. It concludes that there are opportunities from unprecedented challenges for pursuing education, implying a positive perspective that unprecedented challenges are surmountable. Thus, school leaders should become driven to maintain the continuity of education amidst inevitable challenges in the future. Moving forward, this insight suggests research directions, including longitudinal studies of school leaders’ cross-cultural comparisons to identify cultural influences on crisis management and mixed-methods approaches for a deeper understanding of crisis response strategies. Furthermore, evaluating the impact of technological interventions, leadership development programs, stakeholder engagement strategies, and education policies for crisis management are recommended areas for future research.
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