HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 6 no. 1 (2025)

The Nexus of Crowdfunding and Venture Creation: A Systematic Review

Kimberly Christie S. Vergara | Joseph Emil Santos | Raymond Allan G. Vergara

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This systematic review explores how crowdfunding impacts entre-preneurial processes, business sustainability, and venture growth. By analyzing 19 SCOPUS-indexed studies, this review identifies crowdfunding’s financial and non-financial benefits, including en-hanced consumer insight, market exposure, and co-creation oppor-tunities. Crowdfunding redefines stakeholder roles, fostering par-ticipatory ecosystems that enable innovation, strategic scaling, and resilience. Key findings emphasize the importance of stakeholder engagement and market validation while highlighting gaps in un-derstanding long-term sustainability, cultural influences, and evolv-ing backer-venture dynamics. These insights provide actionable strategies for entrepreneurs and researchers to harness crowdfund-ing’s potential in venture creation.


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