HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 2 (2024)

Work Motivation, Satisfaction, and Performance of Young Teachers in Chinese Universities

MaoLin Yang

Discipline: Teacher Training



In In the global competition for education and talent, human capital is increasingly vital. Deepening education reform and promoting quality education are essential for cultivating 21st-century talents, with higher education gaining more attention in China. This study examined the work motivation, satisfaction, and performance of young teachers in Chinese universities to propose an enhanced faculty development program. It analyzed teacher profiles, motivations, satisfaction, and performance, identifying significant differences based on demographics. Female teachers with higher education and longer experience showed high motivation, especially in self-actualization. Satisfaction was highest with benefits and the work environment but lower with the work itself. Performance was generally high, particularly in adaptive performance. Positive correlations were found between motivation, satisfaction, and performance. The study recommended increasing teacher participation in decision-making, improving the work environment, raising salaries and benefits, fostering a harmonious work atmosphere, offering career development opportunities, ensuring leadership transparency, providing support for new teachers, and developing a comprehensive teacher development plan.


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