HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 2 (2024)

Arts-Based Activity Integration and Efficacy Among Chinese Teachers

Lian Yuqing | Beverly T. Caiga

Discipline: Teacher Training



This study delved into integrating arts-based activities within Chinese classrooms and its correlation with teacher efficacy. A descriptive research design was employed to examine data collected from 385 teachers. The findings revealed a prevalent use of arts-based activities among respondents, positively impacting student engagement and motivation. Teachers demonstrated confidence in their ability to implement arts integration, attributing this to effective teacher training programs and improved classroom management. Although most teacher demographics exhibited no significant differences in arts-based activity integration or teaching efficacy, the study identified a correlation between higher educational attainment and increased student engagement through arts integration. A strong positive relationship was established between arts-based activity integration and overall teaching efficacy, suggesting that incorporating arts into instruction enhances teachers’ confidence and classroom management skills. The research underscores the potential of arts-based activities to enrich the learning experience and bolster teacher effectiveness. Recommendations for future studies include longitudinal research to monitor the long-term impact of arts integration on student outcomes and teacher development. By expanding the scope of investigation to include diverse educational contexts, researchers can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the role of arts in education.


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