Teaching Ability, Digital Literacy, and Professional Development of Application- Oriented University Faculty in China
He Zongyao
Discipline: Teacher Training
This study employed descriptive research to determine the relationship among teaching ability, performance and professional development of university faculty in China, based on the practical needs of digital transformation and technological empowerment in higher education, as well as the popularization of higher education. A total of 425 from 10 applied-oriented universities from three provinces in China participated in the study.
Results showed that majority of the respondents were female, 46-50 years old, bachelor’s degree holders and working for 1 to 5 years. The respondents agreed on the items under teaching ability except for cognition. In terms of digital literacy, the respondents agreed on the items except for digital social responsibility and development. As regards professional development, the respondents disagreed on the items under experience and performance and vision and expectations. Also, there exists significant difference of responses in teaching ability, digital literacy, and professional development when respondents were grouped according to profile variables, except for sex. In addition, there exists a highly significant relationship among teaching ability, digital literacy, and professional development of application-oriented faculty members in China. This implies that teachers with strong digital literacy skills are more likely to implement innovative teaching strategies, leading to improved teaching ability. Also, effective professional development programs can enhance both teaching ability and digital literacy skills. Lastly, teachers with high teaching ability may be more motivated to seek out professional development opportunities, including those related to technology integration Hence, the study proposed a comprehensive training and development program specifically designed for application-oriented university teachers in China.
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