HomeIAMURE International Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and Technologyvol. 1 no. 1 (2012)

Product Development of Sea Cucumber Powder

Milagros C. Subaldo | Arlyn J. Omboy | Nila Nanette S. Revilla | Graciela L. Caballero

Discipline: Information Technology, Medicine



The medicinal and nutritional value of sea cucumber propelled the development of dried sea cucumber powder technology so it will be easy to use and readily available in the local market. The technology’s goal is to promote nutritional awareness and utilization. The technology utilizes any commercial species of sea cucumber. Processing of sea cucumber powder involves procurement of raw materials, washing, evisceration, slicing, drying, pounding, sifting and packing. A Return on Investment of more than 300% is expected if sold at 3 grams per pack. Further, other economic importance of this powder includes for consumption, pharmaceutical, biomedical and veterinary purposes. A study was conducted to test the sea cucumber powder as food seasoning. Test trials results indicate that majority of the respondents rated the product from more acceptable to most acceptable in terms of its taste, palatability, color, texture and odor . Participation to trade fares and distribution of brochures were done as product promotion and patent application on the technology was submitted to the Intellectual Property Office. Finally, this value-adding technology supports the gleaners to have additional income.