Francis Thaise A. Cimene
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 16.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.73 |
Potential Citations | 48 | Cites/Author | 8.00 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 11 | Papers/Author | 0.50 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 4.36 | Authors/Papers | 2.00 | hI,annual | 1.51 |
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 16.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.73 |
Potential Citations | 48 | Cites/Author | 8.00 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 11 | Papers/Author | 0.50 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 4.36 | Authors/Papers | 2.00 | hI,annual | 1.51 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Understanding the Organizational Culture of Uniformed Personnel of the Department of Interior and Local Government
Cimene, Francis Thaise A. | Aladano, Alan
Community Sustainability through Mangrove Rehabilitation: Te Taytay, El Salvador City, Philippines Experience
Cimene, Francis Thaise A. | Aladano, Alan | Asuncion, Jennifer Jean S.
The Marawi Siege: Reflections on the Rights of Internally Displaced People
Cimene, Francis Thaise A. | Santander, Maria Eliza D. | Cabrillos, Fiona Mary M. | Salado, Fritzie B.