Fleoy T. Ysmael
Email: fleoy_ysmael@yahoo.com
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 14.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.40 |
Potential Citations | 42 | Cites/Author | 6.00 | h-index | 2 |
Year(s) | 15 | Papers/Author | 0.43 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 2.80 | Authors/Papers | 2.33 | hI,annual | 0.72 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
HokuCryokinetics for the Reduction of Pain during the Active Phase of Labor
Alforque, Jose Mari Louis | Ysmael, Fleoy T. | Bejoc, Jillian A. | Elizon, Lagrimas G.
Discipline: Health, General Science, Medicine
Music on the Second Stage of Labor among Women in their First Pregnancy
Palompon, Daisy | Ysmael, Fleoy T. | Bejoc, Jillian A. | Elizon, Lagrimas G. | Gonzaga, Joni Inocencia | Cañeda, Hazel
Discipline: Psychology, Science, Medicine
“Lumen”: A Case Study on Domestic Violence
Ysmael, Fleoy T.
Discipline: Social Science, Humanities