Mira Alexis P. Ofreneo
Affiliates: Ateneo de Manila University
Papers | 5 | Cites/Paper | 106.60 | Cites/Author/Year | 6.35 |
Potential Citations | 533 | Cites/Author | 133.25 | h-index | 5 |
Year(s) | 21 | Papers/Author | 1.25 | g-index | 5 |
Cites/Year | 25.38 | Authors/Papers | 0.80 | hI,annual | 7.38 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Becoming and Being HIV-positive: The Subjective Experience of Young Filipino Gay Men Living with HIV
Canoy, Nico A. | Ofreneo, Mira Alexis P.
Discipline: Psychology
Tomboys and Lesbians: The Filipino Female Homosexual and Her Identity Development Process
Ofreneo, Mira Alexis P.
Discipline: Psychology
Towards an LGBT-Inclusive Psychology: Reflecting on a Social Change Agenda for Philippine Psychology
Ofreneo, Mira Alexis P.
Discipline: Psychology
“It Makes Me What I Am”: An Interpretative Phenomenological Investigation of the Social-Emotional World of an Adolescent with Asperger’s Syndrome
Ofreneo, Mira Alexis P. | Grecia, Anthony S.
Discipline: Psychology
Framing Intimate Violence in a Relational Context: Positioning Theory As an Alternative to Psychological and Feminist Discourses
Ofreneo, Mira Alexis P. | Montiel, Cristina J.
Discipline: Psychology, Feminism