Jose Santos Carandang VI
Affiliates: Biology Department, De La Salle University 2401 Taft Avenue, 1004 Manila, Philippines
Papers | 5 | Cites/Paper | 19.60 | Cites/Author/Year | 0.34 |
Potential Citations | 98 | Cites/Author | 12.25 | h-index | 5 |
Year(s) | 36 | Papers/Author | 0.62 | g-index | 5 |
Cites/Year | 2.72 | Authors/Papers | 1.60 | hI,annual | 0.89 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Vitamin Uptake by the Green Alga Dunaliella acidophila
Carandang VI, Jose Santos | Gimmler, Hartmut
Discipline: Biology
Light & Shadow at the DLSU: Not a Problem at all for the Quantum Yield of Photo System II (Y) of Plants Growing on the Campus: But How to Determine Y Experimentally?
Carandang VI, Jose Santos | Gimmler, Hartmut | De Jesus, Josefina
Discipline: Botany
K+ Homeostasis in Dunaliella Acidophila
Carandang VI, Jose Santos
Discipline: Biology, Science
Climate Adaptation, Technological Self-Reliance, and the Developing World: Evidence From an Emerging Economy
Carandang VI, Jose Santos | Calzado Jr., Rodolfo
A Study on the Fabrication of a Solar-Powered and pH-Dependent Microcontroller for Hydroponic Setups
Carandang VI, Jose Santos | Santos, Gil Nonato C. | Alcantara, Norberto T. | Nicasio, Loran | Ritz, Marc