vol. 61, no. 1 (2015)
The Journal of History
The Journal of History is the official publication of the Philippine National Historical Society (first named Philippine Historical Society), an organization of historians and practitioners of history, organized in February 1941. It is a nationally refereed journal that publishes selected papers from the National Conferences on National and Local History of the Philippine National Historical Society which have been recommended by an Editorial Advisory Board. The Journal publishes articles on local/regional and national history presented by young and upcoming scholars as well as recognized historians and other specialists on Philippine culture and society. It promotes studies of local history in the context of national history and encourages multidisciplinary study in related social science disciplines.
All the articles in the following journal issues of The Journal of History are for open access:
Table of contents
Front Matter
About the Journal
Table of Contents
The Philippines in the Selden Map《æ±è¥¿æ´‹èˆªæµ·åœ–》 and Other Ancient Chinese Maps, Records and Books
Carmelea Ang See | Teresita Ang See
Pandan Port: Gateway of the Biray Trade in Ciudad Fernandina de Vigan
Christopher F. Bueno
Vintage Vigan in a Journey through Digital Shots
Jimmy R. Soria
The Earliest (Spanish) History of the Philippines?
John N. Crossley | Clive Griffin
If Church Ruins Could Speak: Re-thinking Reduccion and the Plaza Complex in Northern Cordillera
Maria Nela B. Florendo
Tracing Local History through Object Biography: The Case of the Isinay Uwes Pinutuan (Ikat Blanket)
Analyn Salvador Amores
Foreigners in Vigan: The Relations between the American Bishops and the SVD Missionaries and Their Contributions to Education and the Formation of the Diocesan Clergy
Michael G. Layugan
Carriages, Coachmen, Workshops, and Permits: A Preliminary Review of Selected Components of Nineteenth Century Manila’s Transportation System
Marco Stefan B. Lagman
Power and Leadership in the Balakanon Epic of the Tumandok of Central Panay
Tomasito T. Talledo
Supertyphoon Yolanda (Haiyan): The New Milestone of Our Lives
Rolando O. Borrinaga
Darangen: The Epic of the Meranao
Labi Hadji Sarip Riwarung
Revisiting the Sulu Sultanate, 1450-1936 Calbi A. Asain x
Calbi A. Asain
A World War II Story of the Philippines: Letters of the Medical Officer of Philippine Civil Affairs Unit # 17
David Smollar
Back Matter