HomeThe Banquetvol. 2 no. 1 (2015)

Lived Experiences of the University of the Immaculate Conception Students with Increased Coffee Intake: Issues on Caffeinism Symptoms and Academic Life

Jillovelyn B Tolosa | Norilie Joy J Balonga | Mary Joy A Galolo | Mary Joy M Labajo | Mark Julius P Pelias | Myka Angelou C Tomboc



College students in today’s society have become dependent on caffeine in order to perform at their best, with coffee as their preferred option. However, many students have been consuming too much coffee. This has led to “Caffeinism”, a syndrome resulting from chronic consumption of caffeine and addiction. Its symptoms include nervous nervous irritability, tremulousness, occasional muscle twitching, sensory disturbances, tachypnea, palpitation, flushing, arhythmias, diuresis, and gastrointestinal disturbances. This study aimed to discover the lived experiences of UICians with increased coffee intake and explore issues on Caffeinism symtpoms in their academic life through the use of phenomenological inquiry. Results revealed that family and relatives are great contributors in their habit while drinking multiple cups of coffee act as stimulant to improve alertness, attention and wakefulness easing the process of learning and processing information, thereby increasing their GPA. However, too much intake of coffee can cause restlessness, sleepiness, diuretic and palpitations.