Clement C. Camposano
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 6.33 | Cites/Author/Year | 1.06 |
Potential Citations | 19 | Cites/Author | 19.00 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 18 | Papers/Author | 3.00 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 1.06 | Authors/Papers | 0.33 | hI,annual | 0.52 |
Papers | 3 | Cites/Paper | 6.33 | Cites/Author/Year | 1.06 |
Potential Citations | 19 | Cites/Author | 19.00 | h-index | 3 |
Year(s) | 18 | Papers/Author | 3.00 | g-index | 3 |
Cites/Year | 1.06 | Authors/Papers | 0.33 | hI,annual | 0.52 |
Article List
Open Access Subscription Access
Contesting the Narrative of Victim hood
Camposano, Clement C.
Discipline: Economics, Sociology
Towards an Open-ended Understanding of Nationhood: The Discordant Imaginings of Rizal, Bonifacio, and (Isabelo) de los Reyes
Camposano, Clement C.
Rizal, Civic Virtue, and Active Citizenship
Camposano, Clement C.