vol. 1, no. 2 (1998)
The Manila Journal of Science
The Manila Journal of Science (online) is a semi-annual peer-reviewed publication of the De La Salle University College of Science.
Its purpose is to disseminate results of original scientific research, scientific issues analyses and commentaries, educational aids, innovative laboratory or teaching techniques and any other material we deem appropriate.
Table of contents
DLSU Physics Department Gets a Boost from DOST-ESEP
An Effective Science/Math Teacher: What Students and Faculty Say
Voltaire Mistades
I should be writing my thesis now, but i can't!
Eric R. Punzalan
The Two Faces of EI Niño
Alfonso De La Cruz Jr.
The Environmental Seminar Series
Rafael Saldañia
Science at Work: Steel
SPP to hold 16th National Physics Congress in October
An Antimicrobial Alkaloid from Catharanthus roseus
Consolacion Y. Ragasa | Vic Marie L. Intel | John A. Rideout
Discipline: Biology
On Complete 14-arcs in Semifield Planes of Order 16
Arlene A. Pascasio | Christine M. O' Keefe
Discipline: Mathematics
On Orbitals of a Class of Permutation Groups
Rigor B. Ponsones
Discipline: Mathematics
Synodic Periods of Moons and Planets
Robert C. Roleda
Discipline: Astrophysics
Solstices in the Tropics
Robert C. Roleda
Discipline: Science