vol. 3, no. 2 (2000)
The Manila Journal of Science
The Manila Journal of Science (online) is a semi-annual peer-reviewed publication of the De La Salle University College of Science.
Its purpose is to disseminate results of original scientific research, scientific issues analyses and commentaries, educational aids, innovative laboratory or teaching techniques and any other material we deem appropriate.
Table of contents
Some Related Designs of Paley 2-designs of QN-type
Blessilda P. Raposa
Discipline: Formal Sciences
A Flavone from Vitex parviflora
Consolacion Y. Ragasa | Elaine Morales | John A. Rideout
Discipline: Mathematics, Formal Sciences
Synthesis of sugar functionalized tetrathiafulvalene
Gerardo E. Janairo
Discipline: Natural Sciences, Chemistry
Genomic Characterization and Physical Mapping of Shigella flexneri Serotype-Specific Antigen V Temperate Bacteriophage
Ma. Theresa M. Montejo | Dario Angeles
Discipline: Natural Sciences, Biochemistry
Diterpenes from the Soft Coral Clavularia inflata (Coelenterata, Octocorallia, Stolonifera)
Glenn V. Alea | Consolacion Y. Ragasa
Discipline: Natural Sciences, Chemistry
Singular and Nonsingular Circulant Asymmetric Digraphs
Severino V. Gervacio | Isagani B. Jos
Discipline: Mathematics, Formal Sciences
Clique Partition Numbers of the Johnson Graphs J(n,2)
Rigor B. Ponsones
Discipline: Mathematics, Formal Sciences