vol. 4, no. 1 (2001)
The Manila Journal of Science
The Manila Journal of Science (online) is a semi-annual peer-reviewed publication of the De La Salle University College of Science.
Its purpose is to disseminate results of original scientific research, scientific issues analyses and commentaries, educational aids, innovative laboratory or teaching techniques and any other material we deem appropriate.
Table of contents
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of an Akaganeite-type Iron Oxide Octahedral Molecular Sieves
Elaine Nicolas-tolentino | Pamela Alfornon
Discipline: Earth Science, Geology
On Maximal Biconnected Graphs
Alex C. Gonzaga
Discipline: Mathematics
Lead Uptake and Growth Responses in Pistia Stratiotes Linn. (Quiapo)
Rosario S. Espinosa
Discipline: Biochemistry
Antimicrobial Compounds from Spondias purpurea
Consolacion Y. Ragasa | Asteria T. Poblete | Eugenio C. Navida
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
The Bandwidth of the Cartesian Product of a Double Star and a Path
Yvette Fajardo-lim
Discipline: Mathematics
Detection of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) Toxins in Philippine Mussel Samples by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Ma. Christina Grace Z. Floresca | Barbara Michelle Abad | Tabitha Amora | Mary Angelica Lim | John Paulo Marquez
Discipline: Chemistry, Fisheries