vol. 5, no. 1 (2014)
Sage (Formerly College of Arts and Sciences Research Journal)
The College of Arts and Sciences Research Journal is the official research journal of College of Arts and Sciences, Arellano University.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Needs Assessment of Teacher’s Research Capability
Maria C. Cuntapay | Gary Garay | Priscilla F. Viloria
Discipline: Education
Perceived Stress of Teachers Implementing K-12 in Arellano University–Main and Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School
Hazel S. Martinez | Mary Grace A. Camerino | Cristabel Mae C. Gubac | Joan San Juan
Discipline: Education
Wearing of High Heels among College Students In Arellano University
Vicky Rose A. Viterbo | Mary Elaine C. Rodil | Krizia Anne B. Zapanta
Discipline: Psychology
Organizational Development through Assessment Carabao Dispersal Project
Herminigildo S. Villasoto
Discipline: Business
Common Philippine Cover Crops, Calopogonium (Calopogonium Mucunoides Desv.)Centro (Centrosema Pubescens Benth.) and Kudzu (Pueraria Javanica Benth.) on Soil Nitrogen Levels
Mary Grace G. Edraiza
Discipline: Agriculture
Strong Family Ties in Urban Setting
Nestor G. Limqueco | Herbert Vertucio | Priscilla F. Viloria
Discipline: Sociology
Student Population Retention and Growth Factors of BSBA Programs from Selected Colleges in Metro Manila: Basis for Population Enhancement of AIMS-BSBA Department
Brenda L. Basical | Ann Pauline A. Gener | Roselyn SJ Lichangco
Extent of Retention and Marketing Strategies of Aims as Perceived by First, Second and Third Year BSHRM Students SY 2009-2012
Mark Anthony L. Abanador | Jeszairus Eriel S. Magat | Noriel V. Mendoza | Nathaniel R. Ramos | Angelo Bryan L. Tengco