vol. 2, no. 1 (2022)
AIDE Interdisciplinary Research Journal
The AIDE Journal is interdisciplinary as it permeates various academic
disciplines. It publishes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods
studies as well as research reviews: literature reviews, systematic reviews,
meta-analyses, and meta-synthesis.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Activity-Project-Problem (APB) Based Curriculum in Teaching Pre-Engineering High School Students: Basis for Policy Recommendation and Curriculum Enhancement
Allan M. Lizardo
Discipline: Education
Perceived Effects of Classroom Management Strategies on Students’ Diversity Conditions
Discipline: Educational Management
Effectiveness of Digital Flashcards in Enhancing Engagement and Vocabulary Acquisition in Mathematics: The Case of Students with Learning Disabilities
Discipline: Education
Peer Tutoring: Its Effects on Academic Performance of 5th Grade Students in Mathematics at Sanchez Mira Central Elementary School
Discipline: Education
Implementation of Select Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Basis for Program Development
Discipline: Educational Management
Blended Learning Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Blended Learning: The Case of Cagayan State University
Discipline: Education
Organizational Commitment of Teachers: Its Effects on the Performance of Students in the High Schools of Sanchez Mira, Cagayan
Discipline: Educational Management
Effects of Virtual Tools in Teaching: The Case of Commonwealth High School, Quezon City Philippines
Discipline: Educational Technology
Extents of the Impact of Parental Involvement and Family Engagement on Socio-Emotional Learning of Selected Elementary Students
Michael San luis MArtin
Discipline: Social Science
Challenges Encountered by Special Educators: Inputs for the Improvement of the Individualized Education Program
Frenesi Anne Asuncion Mangonon
Discipline: Educational Management
Motivation of High School Teachers, and its Effects on their Level of Performance and Turn-Over Rate
George Isola
Discipline: Educational Management
The Implementation of a School-Based Social Networking Site
Nora T. Ngo
Discipline: Educational Technology
English Language Speaking Inhibitions and Coping Strategies of Filipino Teachers
Alona L. Nunez
Discipline: Language Education
Teachers’ Understanding and Students’ Level of Satisfaction in the Implementation of Differentiated Instruction
Agnes C. Ocampo
Discipline: Social Science
Awareness and Compliance of Secondary School Teachersto Anti-Bullying Act
Shirley M. Ucol-Cobaria
Discipline: Educational Management
Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, and Teaching Performance of Elementary Teachers in the New NormalScience Education
Jane S. Raralio
Discipline: Education
Performance of the Severely Challenged High School Students Using Modified Curriculum and Vocational Life-Skills Curriculum
Omar Ponci D. Rodriguez
Discipline: Education
The Effect of Covid-19 on the Academic Performance in Mathematics of the Students at Tugatog National High School in The City Division of Malabon
Raymundo F. Pecjo
Discipline: Educational Management
School Heads’ Instructional Leadership and Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy in the Implementation of Blended Teaching Modality in Sarangani Province
Leila Rodulfa
Discipline: Education
Correlates of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of College Freshmen
Ronald L. Cachero | Shella B. Cacatian | Thelma C. Damaso
Discipline: Education
Effect of Journal Writing on the Conceptual Understanding of Grade 11 Students in Mathematics
Amelita Raga-abee
Discipline: Language Education
Teachers’ Preparedness in the Use of Information Communication Technology and School’s Licensure Passing Rate
Zenaida F. Lucas
Discipline: Educational Technology
The Status of Implementation of The NYC Reads 365 Program: Basis for a Proposed Program Enhancement
Ernesto S. Pamolarco Jr.
Discipline: Social Science