vol. 51, no. 1 (2023)
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research Journal
The JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal aims to publish new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge which are contributed by member researchers from around the world. The JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal is an international peer reviewed and multidisciplinary journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editorial Policy
Author Guidelines
Enhancing Muscular Strength with Resistance and High-Intensity Interval Training Using a Fitness Mobile App Guide
Bleza Bantayan
Influence of Pre and In-Service Training Programs of the Kindergarten Teachers in the Implementation of the Kindergarten Curriculum
Resa Dee Santos
Students Satisfaction with the Laboratory Services and Facilities in the College of Business Laboratory Areas
Violeta Neri | Kristine Rose Necesario | Frances Joy Faniega
Mediating Effect of HRM Practices between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Real Estate Industry in Metro Manila, Philippines: A Literature Review
Janice Pascua | Genaro V. Japos
Determinants of Investment Decisions among Retirables: Towards an Investment Planning Model
Lovely Tinguha | Jacob C. Ybanez
Relevance and Responsiveness of the Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration Program as Assessed by Stakeholders
Ruth Balajadia | Russel Relatos
Extent of Forensic Practices of Police Investigators: A Basis for Enhancement Plan
Japhet Quiape | Ermee Joy Painaga
The Rise of Start Up of Young Entrepreneurs in Time of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Economic Growth Center of Legazpi City
Sheila Mae Llamasares